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UK's Leading Provider of Food, Hospitality and Support Services

Medirest is the healthcare division of Compas Group and is the UK’s leading provider of food, hospitality and support services. Working in more than 50 acute hospitals, private healthcare and senior care markets, Medirest offers a range of services including: Patient Catering, Cleaning, Logistics, Security & Retail

Medirest wanted to expand their offer, increase market share, and promote Medirest as one of industries pioneering businesses delivering outstanding, comprehensive ‘one-stop’ solutions to the Healthcare industry. To do this they needed to consolidate their individual services under the Medirest umbrella with a unified branded approach.  ​Working with the Medirest Senior management team, we developed a new name, brand proposition and identity for each of their individual services including: a+-cleaning, MV2-logistics, Pulse-helpdesk and Steamplicity - patient feeding system. The new suite of branded services and identities were launched to B2B new and existing vcustomers, via a newly designed, 'best-in-class' website.


Creative Direction/Art Direction, Brand Strategy, Brand Naming & Brand Creation, Website Design, Video Content Creation, Copywriting, B2B Comms, Bid Templates, Training Videos, Print.

MEDIREST: Keeping Your Hospital Moving 24/7

MEDIREST: Keeping Your Hospital Moving 24/7

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Introduction to Medirest video created for the new website

Branding Key Services & Building a New Image for Medirest

Naming and branding the 3 core Medirest services - a+, mv2 and Pulse, created a contemporary and unified look for the Medirest brand and service offer. As part of the brand refresh, new photographic brand imagery was shot at various hospital locations using real staff and people. Brand guidelines were created for each of the new brands.

Photography - Brand Image Refresh
Naming & Brand Creation
A+ Brand Creation and Guidelines
New Brand Imagery
New Web Design Ideation
New Medirest Brand Development and Application

"Medirest offers the highest quality and most comprehensive
support service to the health service sector
anywhere in the world."

Medirest Marketing Brochure
Medirest Brochure

Creating bespoke
videos for new business tenders

Video 1: Healthcare -'Delivered With Heart.'  Scripted, filmed and edited as part of a tender bid to showcase Medirest's comprehensive range of services, yet highlighting the 'human' side of Medirest. This tender was specifically aimed towards Maternity Hospitals. 


Video 2:  Four Seasons Health Care Homes - As part of of the tender to provide a full range of services for Four Seasons Care Homes, this video was created to showcase the people behind the Medirest brand.

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